Maritiem Digitaal

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A Description Of A New Instrument, Invented by John Hadley, Esq. : For Taking the Latitude or other Altitudes at Sea : W...

titelA Description Of A New Instrument, Invented by John Hadley, Esq. : For Taking the Latitude or other Altitudes at Sea : With Directions for its Use : The Instruments are sold by Thomas Wright, Instrument-maker to his Majesty, at the Orrery in Fleet-street; by Jonathan Sisson, Instrument-maker to his Royal Highness, at the Corner of Beauford-Build-ings, and Joseph Jackson, in Angel-Court, near Surrey-street, in the Strand; by John Gilbert, in Postern- row on Tower-hill; by John Fowler, in Sweeting's-alley, and Edmond Culpepper, near the Royal-Exchange, Cornhill, by Charles Digby, near the Her-mitage-bridge; and William Coleman, near King James's Stairs, in Wapping 
museumHet Scheepvaartmuseum   Het Scheepvaartmuseum
makerHadley, John 
datum[ 1738 ]  
pagina's34 p. 

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