Maritiem Digitaal

collectie zoeksyteem van de maritieme musea

The Use of the celestial globe in plano, set foorth in two hemispheres: wherein are placed alle the most notable Starres...

titelThe Use of the celestial globe in plano, set foorth in two hemispheres: wherein are placed alle the most notable Starres of heaven, according to their longitude, latitude, magnitude, and constellation: Whereunto are annexed their names, both Latin, Greeke, and Arabian or Chaldee; Also their nature, and the Poeticall reason of each severall Constellation. Moreover, in this booke is set downe the declination of the Starres which have any particular name, with their right ascencion, and the degree of any signe wherewith they come to the meridian, and the time of the yeare wherein they may be seene there. 
signatuurWAE 3 A 23 
museumMaritiem Museum Rotterdam   Maritiem Museum Rotterdam
makerHood, Thomas 
pagina's[5], 43 bl. (86 p.) 

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