Maritiem Digitaal

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The Description and Use Of A Portable Instrument, Vulgarly known by the name of Gunter's Quadrant : By which is perform'...

titelThe Description and Use Of A Portable Instrument, Vulgarly known by the name of Gunter's Quadrant : By which is perform'd most Propositions in Astronomy : as, the Altitude, Azimuth, Right Ascension and Declination of the Sun [...] : To which is added, The Use of Nepiar's Bones in Mul-tiplication, Division, and Extraction of Roots : also the Nocturnal, the Ring-dyal, and Gunter's Line [...] The Third Edition, with the Addition of the Use of Gunter's Quadrant in taking the Declination of a Plain by the Help of a Horizontal Dial [...] By Charles Leadbetter 
inventarisnummerS.4793(494) [nr 0001] 
museumHet Scheepvaartmuseum   Het Scheepvaartmuseum
makerLeybourn, William 
pagina's158 p. 

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