Maritiem Digitaal

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The British Fleet Entering Havana, 21 August 1762

titelThe British Fleet Entering Havana, 21 August 1762 
collectieOil Paintings    
museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingA depiction of an episode from the last major operation of the Seven Years War, 1756-63. It was part of England's offensive against Spain when she entered the war in support of France late in 1761. The British Government's response was immediately to plan large offensive amphibious operations against Spanish overseas possessions, particularly Havana, the capital of the western dominions and Manila, the capital of the eastern. Havana needed large forces for its capture and early in 1762 ships and troops were dispatched under Admiral Sir George Pocock and General the Earl of Albemarle. The force which descended on Cuba consisted of 22 ships of the line, four 50-gun ships, three 40s, a dozen frigates and a dozen sloops and bomb vessels. In addition there were troopships, storeships, and hospital ships. Pocock took this great fleet of about 180 sail through the dangerous Old Straits of Bahama, from Jamaica, to take Havana by surprise. The English fleet moved into Havana Harbour once the obstructions had been cleared on 21 August. On the left of the picture, Commodore Augustus Keppel in the 'Valiant', is leading in his squadron first, an honour accorded him by Admiral Sir George Pocock. On the right Pocock's 'Namur', flying his flag as Admiral of the Blue, together with the Union flag and blue ensign, is shown following with the bulk of the fleet. For further details on the capture of Havana and the other paintings in this series, see BHC0408. Serres was a well-born Frenchman from Gascony who ran away to sea in merchant service rather than follow family wish that he enter the Church. He probably arrived in England as a naval prisoner of war, took up painting and settled there. His early paintings show the influence of Brooking and Monamy's interpretations of Dutch art but he rapidly achieved recognition for his more documentary visual accounts of sea actions of the Seven Years War, 1756-63, becoming established as England's leading marine painter. His work was even more in demand in the 1770s and 1780s, recording the naval history of the War of American Independence. In 1768 Serres was a founder member of the Royal Academy and at the end of his life its librarian. A well respected and sociable man, he was appointed Marine Painter to George III in 1780. This painting is signed and dated 'D Serres 1775'. 
afmetingenPainting: 1225 x 1837 mm; Frame: 1428 x 2041 x 100 mm   

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