Maritiem Digitaal

collectie zoeksyteem van de maritieme musea

Knowles's Action off Havana

titelKnowles's Action off Havana 
collectieOil Paintings    
museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingIn February 1748 Rear-Admiral Charles Knowles left Port Royal, Jamaica, with eight ships of the line, to make an attack on Santiago de Cuba. Delayed by contrary winds, he diverted his expedition to Port Louis in the south-east of Hispaniola. Knowles sailed his ships up the channel and passed to the west and north of the fort, which surrendered after a sharp bombardment. The town's surrender followed immediately and Knowles, having taken possession of a snow and three privateers, including the 'Conquistador', 64 guns, burnt the fort and departed for Santiago de Cuba. The 'Cornwall', 80 guns, in port-quarter view, with Knowles's red Rear-Admiral's flag at the mizzen and a red battle flag at the fore, is in the centre of the painting. Her main topmast has been shot away and she is engaging the Spanish flagship, 'Invencible', 74 guns, to starboard. All that can be seen of the Spaniard is Spinola's flag above the smoke. Astern and to starboard of the 'Cornwall' is a two-decker also engaging to starboard and, unusually, her stern-galleries are painted red. Astern of her is a large row-barge and beyond, and in the extreme right of the picture, is the sternmost English ship engaging the enemy. In the left half of the picture, forward of the 'Cornwall' is a melée of ships in action, while in the extreme left foreground are two English ships, in port-quarter view. The nearest is thought to be the 'Lennox', 70 guns, although nominally 60 guns, since it unusually has a closed stern. Little is known about the artist. The NMM has one drawing by him together with an engraving of the herring fishery off Shetland that was made after one of his pictures. 
afmetingenPainting: 1029 x 1520 mm; Frame: 1249 x 2112 x 105 mm   

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