Maritiem Digitaal

collectie zoeksyteem van de maritieme musea

The Bombardment of Bastia, 6 November 1745

titelThe Bombardment of Bastia, 6 November 1745 
collectieOil Paintings    
museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
datum18th century  
omschrijvingThe English painter Samuel Scott (1702–1772) specialized in marine painting and views of London. This oil painting relates to events of the Austrian War of Succession, 1740–48, during which the British fleet occupied the Corsican port of Bastia in 1745. In the painting Bastia and its backdrop of high, wooded hills are rendered in a commanding birds-eye view. In the foreground the English fleet has closed in on the harbour, bombarding the town, which has already caught fire. The lighting focuses on the fleet and the town, heightening architectural detail, but the subtle colour scheme with hues of green and brown creates a balanced impression, holding the composition of this costal landscape together. 
afmetingenPainting: 830 x 1215 mm; Frame: 1190 x 1460 x 80 mm   

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