Maritiem Digitaal

collectie zoeksyteem van de maritieme musea

The Siege of Malta: Flight of the Turks, 13 September 1565

titelThe Siege of Malta: Flight of the Turks, 13 September 1565 
collectieOil Paintings    
museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
datumlate 16th century  
omschrijvingThis is the seventh of eight pictures commemorating the Siege of Malta in 1565. It documents the rout of the final Turkish expedition against Medina by the relief force on 13 September. After the relieving force of Don Garcia de Toledo had landed on the west side of the island, theTurks prepare to leave. In the central foreground is the fortress of Medina (seen in the foreground) from which the Knights and relieving troops are driving the Turks north-west to their galleys. More Knights are coming from Birgu and St Michael. The Grand Master, La Valette, ordered his captain to reoccupy St Elmo and set up the standard of the Most Holy White Cross. In the left foreground are Christian skirmishers firing at the Turks, and the picture also shows them retreating in a column. In the background is the Turkish fleet, some galleys at sea, some waiting in the bays to embark the soldiers. See also BHC0252-BHC0259. 
afmetingenPainting: 1320 x 1930 mm   

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