Maritiem Digitaal

collectie zoeksyteem van de maritieme musea

The Siege of Malta: Siege and Bombardment of St Michael, 28 June 1565

titelThe Siege of Malta: Siege and Bombardment of St Michael, 28 June 1565 
collectieOil Paintings    
museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
datumlate 16th century  
omschrijvingThis is the fourth of eight pictures commemorating the Siege of Malta in 1565. It documents the siege of St Michael on 28 June, and shows the Christian Knights cut off from the sea and surrounded in their remaining fortresses of Birgu, St Angelo and St Michael. After St Elmo was taken, the Turks turned their guns to the forts of St Angelo and St Michael, and in this picture the land to the right is St Angelo. The Turkish batteries are shown mounted on the landward side, from where this view is taken, to the left at Carradino and across the harbour from St Elmo. Chain booms are visible between the castle, both at the entrance and on the inner end. In the foreground gunners fire from the batteries, with three cannons on the left at Mandra, and at St Marquarita, showing five cannons on the right. The Turkish cannons on the far right can be seen pointing at the fort, while other Turkish soldiers holding a variety of weapons look down on the fort. Inside, the fort is lined with the Christian soldiers preparing to defend it. Across the water near St Elmo is a battery of three cannons, while seven more cannons are being dragged off to strengthen the guns on the land side of the castles on Mount Salvadore. The earlier pictures in the group show how the land in the distance of this picture has already been taken by the Turks. To the far left the Turkish cannons indicate the bombardment has started. To the extreme left, across the creek on the heights of Carradino, are ten of the thirteen cannons mounted there in action. See also BHC0252-BHC0259. 
afmetingenPainting: 1372 x 1930 mm; Frame: 1544 x 2235 x 65 mm   

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