Maritiem Digitaal

collectie zoeksyteem van de maritieme musea

Bay of Biscay from the 'Ravenspoint'

titelBay of Biscay from the 'Ravenspoint' 
collectieOil Paintings    
museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingA sketch from the deck of the 'Ravenspoint' sailing through the Bay of Biscay. The outline of land is visible in the distance on the far left and the sails of a ship can be seen towards the horizon in the centre. The wintry sensation of the painting is emphasized by the use of grey tones, together with the watery appearance of the sun. Reflections from the sky play across the surface of the water contrasting between pale silver in the centre and the dark effect from the cloud on the right. The cloud creates a dramatic effect and occludes the bright light cast from the wintry sun. The sea in the foreground is shown as a deep blue black. Everett was a passenger on board the steamer 'Ravenspoint', which set sail from Liverpool on 31 December 1934, heading towards Italy. Owned by the Glyn Line, it was carrying fish, scrap, iron and china clay to Genoa. The ship arrived to very cold conditions there on 9 January 1935, before sailing on to Livorno, where Everett observed that the weather, in marked contrast, was hot. The painting is inscribed 'B of B Ravenspoint' verso. 
afmetingenPainting: 250 x 355 mm   

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