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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingThis Freedom box was presented to Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Thompson (circa 1740-99) by the City of London for his services as second-in-command at the Battle of Cape St Vincent, 14 February 1797. The oval gold box has a painted enamel miniature of the battle on the lid, showing Thompson’s ship ‘Britannia’, with the vice-admiral’s blue flag at the fore, engaged with the enemy. The base is engraved with a port broadside view of ‘Britannia’ engaged in action. The sides of the box are decorated with enamel panels painted with the City of London coat of arms, Thompson’s personal arms, crests, initials and various naval trophies. Inside the lid is inscribed: ‘Watson mayor. A Common Council holden in the Chamber of the Guildhall of the City of London, on Friday the 10th day of March 1797 resolved unanimously that the Thanks of his Court be given to Vice Admiral Thompson, Vice Admiral the Hon. Wllm Waldegrave, Rear Admiral Parker, and Commodore Nelson, for their gallant behaviour on the 14th of February last in defeating the Spanish Fleet, and that they be presented, severally with the Freedom of this City, in a Gold Box. Note Sir Robt. Calder omitted by mistake, afterwards rectified by a like Vote.’ Thompson received the flag officer’s gold medal for the same action, which the Museum also has (ZBA2977), presented with this gold freedom box. The watercolour drawing by Robert Cleveley, on which the enamel on the lid of the box is based, is also in the collection (PAF5854). 
afmetingenBox: 30 x 107 x 75 mm; Case: 50 x 120 x 85 mm   

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