Maritiem Digitaal

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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
datumcirca 1869  
omschrijvingPresentation cup for the SS 'Colonel Fytche', Irrawaddy Flotilla Company. Silver plated cup and cover, chased overall with floral decoration. There are two scroll handles and a domed lid with a cornucopia of flowers as a finial. The cup is gilt inside, has a waisted bowl and stands on a high domed foot which reflects the design of the lid. There is an acanthus collar on the stem, and a cartouche on the side with a presentation inscription: 'PRESENTED to Captain H. Bacon By the passengers in the SS Col. Fytche THE FIRST BRITISH STEAMER TO VISIT BHAMO 6TH NOVR 1869'. On the other side: 'PASSENGERS Major and Mrs MacMahon & Miss MacMahon, Captn A.G.Strovers & C A Bruce, Mr & Mrs Cuthbertson, Clive Cuthbertson & Master Norman, Alex Bower RNR, Dr A Johnson, Messrs A Sutherland, A Hotson Niel, Mr Phail & John Halliday'. The cup stands on a turned wooden base. SS 'Colonel Fytche' was a paddle steamer of the Irrawaddy Flotilla Company (1865-1950), built by A. & J. Inglis of Glasgow in 1867, and named after Chief Commissioner Colonel Albert Fytche of the Bengal Army. She was the first steamer specially built for the Irrawaddy Flotilla. Bhamo in Bhurma, on the upper reaches of the Irrawaddy, was a link in a projected trade route to China. Goods were intended to come by sea to Rangoon, then by river to Bhamo, and mule train or railway (which was never built) to Tengyueh on the Chinese border. By 1868 there was a regular fortnightly steamer service between Rangoon and Mandalay. In 1869, the 'Colonel Fytche' was stationed at Mandalay and opened a monthly service on the upper river to Bhamo. During the 3rd Burmese War of 1885 the Flotilla fleet was requisitioned by the Government to carry troops and stores, and SS 'Colonel Fytche' was used as a hospital ship. The Irrawaddy Flotilla Company grew to become a major river fleet by the 1920s. 
afmetingenOverall: 350 x 250 x 140 mm; plinth 110 x 180 x 180 mm   

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