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The Dunkirk Cup

titelThe Dunkirk Cup 
museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingCup commemorating the Allied troop evacuation from Dunkirk in 1940. Silver-gilt beaker-shaped cup and cover, standing on a round foot with a wide decorated stem. The flat cover has a tall facetted finial resting on six curved brackets. The body is engraved on one side with the arms of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths with unicorn supporters and motto: 'JUSTITIA VITUTUM REGINA'. The other side has an inscription surmounted by a foul anchor: 'This Cup commemorates the action of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy in the Withdrawal of the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk from 28th May to 4th June, 1940. It was designed for the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths for the sale at Christies in aid of the British Red Cross and purchased there by the Right Honourable Lord Queenborough GBE., a member of the Court of Assistants, who subsequently gave it to the Admiralty for retention in the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich'. It is signed on the base with the designer's name, 'Cyril J.Shiner'. In 1939 Sir Eric Maclagan, Director of the Victoria & Albert Museum, proposed selling works of art in aid of the Red Cross. The Goldsmiths' Company supported the scheme and launched a competition to design a cup for sale at Christie's. The winning design by Cyril Shiner had been intended as the King's Gold Vase at Ascot in April 1940, but the Ascot Races were cancelled because of the War. The completion of the cup coincided with the evacuation from Dunkirk 28 May to 4 June 1940. On 15 July 1940 the Dunkirk Cup was sold for £210 at Christie's in aid of the Red Cross to Lord Queenborough a well-known patriot, who started the Society of St George. In May 1941 the cup was taken to the Admiralty and was afterwards kept at Goldsmiths' Hall until 1980 when it finally passed to the NMM. One replica of the cup was made in silver in 1940, for retention in America. In December 1940 the replica was sold there in aid of the American Red Cross, and is now in the Art Museum at Cleveland, Ohio. 
afmetingenOverall: 220 x 110 mm   

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