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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingCircular shield made from the unclaimed medals of Greenwich Pensioners. Large silver shield with a wide rim and a well in the centre, with a slightly convex base. There are 125 silver Naval General Service Medals set in a matt silver ground with embossed decorative motifs between the medals, which are arranged in concentric circles to show alternate obverse and reverse sides. The obverse of the medals, which are by W. Wyon R.A. have the Queen's profile with 'VICTORIA REGINA 1748', and the reverse has Britannia seated on a seahorse, with trident and olive branch. One hundred and four medal bars from the medals, with the names of the battles for which they were awarded (including the Glorious first of June 1794; St Vincent; Camperdown; Nile; Trafalgar; Boat Service; Navarino), are set in the outer and inner edges of the rim. The silver centre of the shield is engraved with the full coat of arms of Greenwich Hospital with supporters and crest and a scroll inscribed: 'Reg Hosp Gren.'. Below is inscribed: 'THIS SHIELD THE PROPERTY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL WAS MADE BY ORDER OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY FROM UNCLAIMED WAR MEDALS OF DECEASED IN PENSIONERS OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL 1876. RT. HON. G.W.HUNT M.P. 1ST LORD SIR MASSEY LOPES BART. MP. CIVIL LORD NAVAL LORDS ADMIRAL SIR A. MILNE G.C.B. VICE ADMIRAL G.T. PHIPPS HORNBY CAPTAIN LORD GILFORD RN'. The reverse of the shield, which stands on three small pad feet, shows the other side of the medals. The edge is inscribed in cursive script: 'Assay Office Goldsmiths Hall December 2nd 1875. This Shield weighing 138 oz 9 dwts was Made to receive 125 Stamped Silver Medals'. The Naval General Service Medal was a campaign medal approved in 1847 for issue to officers and men of the Royal Navy. It was awarded retrospectively for naval actions between 1793 and 1840. Bars naming the actions were mounted on the white ribbon with navy blue edges. Normally the NGSM was only awarded to surviving claimants who were still alive in 1847 and applied for it. The Royal Naval Museum records explain: 'Silver Shield made up of War Medals granted by H.M. Queen Victoria for battles which had been fought prior to her reign, but for which medals had not been granted. During the time that elapsed from Her Majesty's order and the issue of the medals many of the men had died and no relatives being found to claim them they were formed into this shield by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty whose names are shewn in the centre'. 
afmetingen670 x 670 x 50mm   

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