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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingGoblet presented to Captain John C. Hewitt by the passengers of the 'Britannia' steamship, 1842. One of a pair of American silver goblets, part of a four-piece wine set with its original wooden carrying case. The goblet is on a foliate-chased rising circular base, with a balaster stem and moulded rim, the bowl chased with rising acanthus leaves. It is inscribed: 'Presented to Capt. John Hewett [sic] of the Britannia Steamship by the passengers, January 1842'; the base has a wooden inset covered in red baize. The wine set was presented to Captain Hewitt on 29 January 1842 in the Tremont Theatre, Boston. Charles Dickens wrote an account of his stormy transatlantic crossing on board the 'Britannia' in the second chapter of 'American Notes' (1842). See also PLT0200, PLT0201, PLT0203 for the rest of the set. 
afmetingenOverall: 180 x 110 mm   

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