Maritiem Digitaal

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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingSilver cup presented to Captain John Wilson in 1806. The silver cup has a flat chased floral border and reeded rim, and stands on an octagonal foot with reeded lines; the interior is gilt. It is inscribed: 'To Captn John Wilson, for his Gallant defence of the Ship Shipley; During an action of One Hour and three quarters with the Hebe French Privateer in which he received two severe Wounds. Presented by the Owners SHIPLEY WILLIAMS & Co. Liverpool 25th July 1806'. In his ‘History of the Liverpool Privateers' (1897), Gomer Williams wrote: ‘in February the 'Shipley' was on passage to the West Indies, when she was attacked by a French three-masted schooner privateer (ex HM Schooner 'Demerara') mounting 14 guns. Being becalmed, the 'Shipley' 'engaged the privateer with small arms for an hour and a quarter, until four of her men were killed, Captain Wilson and Mr Holden, the first mate, besides the steward severely wounded (the former shot through the shoulder and his hand much shattered, the mate having his thigh broken), when the men, after a most gallant defence, and having no officers to command them, were obliged to strike. The French had their second captain and five men killed and many wounded. The Shipley, having been plundered of much valuable cargo, which was carried on board the privateer, was recaptured by HMS Galatea, and sent to Barbados'. 
afmetingenOverall: 190 x 125 mm   

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