Maritiem Digitaal

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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingSilver tea-urn presented to Captain Nicholas Tomlinson (d.1847) for capturing French privateers, 1796. Plain vase-shaped tea-urn of octagonal form, standing on an octagonal base with four scroll feet. With a bone-topped spigot and reeded loop handles terminating in acanthus leaf decoration. The lid has a round finial. The back is engraved with the arms of Tomlinson impaling Ward, with the crest above it on the lid. The front is engraved within an oval: 'PRESENTED by the Committee for encouraging the Capture of French Privateers &c &c TO CAPTn. TOMLINSON July 8th 1796'. It is part of a set presented to the NMM by a descendant of Admiral Tomlinson, which includes another larger tea-urn, teapot, sugar basin and cream jug. 
afmetingenOverall: 360 x 190 mm   

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