Maritiem Digitaal

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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingLloyd's Patriotic Fund vase presented to John Fam Timins (c1766-1843) for his part in the defeat of a French squadron under Linois in 1804. Silver vase and cover of amphora form, with a flat cover surmounted with a lion passant. The body of the vase is in two pieces, with high handles. The upper section has a laurel leaf border at the neck. The lower section has on one side a figure of Britannia holding winged Victory in her hand inscribed 'BRITANNIA TRIUMPHANT', and on the other side Hercules slaying the Hydra and 'BRITONS STRIKE HOME.' The lower part has acanthus leaf and acorn decoration. The vase stands on a circular foot with an acanthus leaf border. It is inscribed on shoulder: 'From the Patriotic Fund of Lloyds to J.F.Timins Esq Commanding the H.E.I.C. Co's ship ROYAL GEORGE, in which he gallantly led the action and fought the MARENGO of 84 guns under command of Adm. Linois on the 15th Feby 1804 when a fleet of merchantmen defeated and pursued a squadron of French men of war as recorded in the Gazette of the 11th Augt 1804.'. For this action as part of a fleet of East India merchant ships under Commodore Dance, Timins also received a £50 Lloyd's sword, and a valuable gift of plate from the merchants and shipowners of Bombay. The Patriotic Fund was founded at a meeting at Lloyd's Coffee House at the Royal Exchange, London, in 1803. It set up a national subscription used to vote money to those wounded in action, and to the dependants of those killed, and also gave awards of merit in the form of money, silver and presentation swords. Between 1804 and 1809 sixty six Patriotic Fund silver vases went to naval and military officers in recognition of distinguished services. John Flaxman, the sculptor, produced the final design for the vases, which were all similar and supplied by the Royal Goldsmiths, Rundell, Bridge and Rundell, and made by different silversmiths. 
afmetingenOverall: 425 x 255 mm   

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