Maritiem Digitaal

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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingFreedom box presented by the City of London to Sir Robert Stopford (1768-1847) for his role in the campaign in Syria. Oak, silver and silver-gilt casket, in the shape of a triangular fortress with turrets, set in a two-colour silver representation of sea and land, mounted on a black stone base. On one side is a silver-gilt City of London coat of arms with motto 'DOMINE DIRIGE NOS' and on another side Stopford's coat of arms with a knight's crest, his two stag supporters, and the Order of the Bath motto 'TRIA JUNCTA IN UNO.' The separate lid, also wood with silver-gilt mounts, has a turret finial, flying a silver-gilt flag bearing a star and crescent. It is inscribed inside the lid: ‘Copeland, Locum Tenens Johnson, Mayor. A Common Council holden in the chamber of the Guildhall of the City of London on Thursday the 25 Feb. 1841 Resolved That the thanks of this Court, together. with the freedom of this City, in a Box of Heart of Oak, be presented to ADMIRAL THE HONBLE SIR ROBERT STOPFORD Kt GCB in Testimony of the admiration entertained by this Court of the Zeal and Bravery displayed by him during the operations on the Coast of Syria, terminating in the brilliant and decisive attack on the Fortress of Acre on the 3rd of November 1840. Woodthorpe’. The box originally contained an official copy on vellum of the certificate of admission to the Freedom, and a letter from the Clerk of the Chamber. In 1837 Admiral Stopford was appointed Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean. The British, supporting the Sultan of Turkey, repelled an invading Egyptian force from Syria. The campaign culminated in the bombardment and capture of the town and fortress of St Jean d'Acre, 1840, represented in the design of this casket. The thanks of both houses of parliament were voted to Stopford and the fleet and Stopford received the freedom of the City of London, a sword of honour from the Sultan, and honours from Austria, Prussia and Russia. It was bequeathed with a collection of Stopford family relics, including his gold St Jean d'Acre medal for the Syrian War, 1840, by Robert Neville Stopford (d.1949). 
afmetingenOverall: 175 x 225 x 225 mm   

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