Maritiem Digitaal

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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingSugar basin, part of a tea set owned by Horatia Nelson (1801-81) daughter of Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson. Round silver-gilt sugar basin and cover with beaded borders, standing on a round foot. One side of the body is engraved with two putti holding a ribbon inscribed: 'HORATIA 29th Octr 1807', which is also repeated on one side of the lid. The other side of the body is engraved with the full Hamilton coat of arms, with supporters and crest of a saw cutting down a tree arising out of a duke's coronet, with the motto 'THROUGH'. The arms also incorporate the mottoes 'TRIA JUNCTA IN UNO' and 'SOLE NOBILITAT VIRTUS'. The Hamilton crest appears again on the lid. 29 October was the date given by Lady Hamilton as Horatia's birthday, although it was actually circa 29 January 1801. The sugar basin was part of Horatia's silver-gilt tea set (see also PLT0163 and PLT0164) presented to the NMM in 1939 by the Reverend Hugh Nelson-Ward and his late brother Admiral Philip Nelson-Ward, grandsons of Horatia. 

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