Maritiem Digitaal

collectie zoeksyteem van de maritieme musea

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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingBogus cup and cover said to have been owned by Lord Nelson. Two-handled silver cup and cover of vase shape on a reeded foot, the lower part of the body and stem decorated with fluting. The body is decorated with swags, and there are two high loop handles. The tall cover has an urn finial. One side of the body is engraved with the bogus arms of Nelson with a viscount's coronet. The arms have the supporters, mottoes 'PALMAM QUI MERUIT FERAT' and 'TRIA IUNCTA IN UNO', and the chelengk and 'SAN JOSEF' crests. It is part of the collection of 'Nelson relics' formed by John Corbett MP for Droitwich (d.1901) and presented by his brother Dr Thomas Corbett to the Nation. 
afmetingenoverall: 330 x 240 x 135 mm   

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