Maritiem Digitaal

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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingOne of a pair of silver ice pails (see also PLT0097), part of the service presented to Nelson by the Corporation of Lloyds after the Battle of Copenhagen, 1801. The body of the ice pail has a gadrooned rim, a fluted lower section, a pair of lion mask and ring handles, and a separate collar fits on the top. Inside is a separate cylindrical container. One side is engraved with Nelson's coat of arms as a viscount, with the mottoes 'PALMAM QUI MERUIT FERAT' and 'TRIA IUNCTA IN UNO'. The chelengk and 'San Josef' crests are engraved on the collar, the latter wrongly inscribed 'VANGUARD', with viscount's coronets above. On the other side is a presentation inscription: 'Presented by the Committee appointed to manage the Subscription raised for the benefit of the Wounded and the Relatives of those who were Killed in the glorious Victory obtained off Copenhagen on the 2 of April 1801, to Vice Admiral LORD NELSON KB DUKE of BRONTE KB &c &c &c in testimony of the high sense entertained of his meritorious and unprecedented exertions in defence of his Country, which at the Peril and danger of his life, he so nobly sustained previous to the Engagement, and as a token of his brilliant and gallant Conduct during the whole of that ever memorable Action. Lloyds Coffee House. John Julius Angerstein, Chairman'. The pair of ice pails is part of the service ordered by Nelson with money granted by the Committee of Lloyd's after the Battle of Copenhagen in April 1801. Four such ice pails were originally supplied by the London goldsmiths Rundell & Bridge. They were sold at Christie's sale of the Nelson relics of Viscount Bridport in 1895, and purchased by Thomas J. Barrett who bequeathed them to Greenwich Hospital in 1915. 
afmetingenOverall: 220 x 190 x 200 mm   

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