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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingGold City of London Freedom Box presented to Vice-Admiral Sir John Jervis, later Earl St Vincent (1735-1823). Rectangular gold box with cast and chased decoration in two-colour gold, with six oval panels enamelled in full colour. The lid has an oval enamel panel with the coat of arms, supporters and crest of Sir John Jervis with the mottos 'TRIA JUNCTA IN UNO' and 'THUS'. The panel is set in a chased laurel wreath with trophies of naval arms to each side on a matt ground, and an oak foliage border with shells at the angles. The two ends of the base have initials 'JJ' surmounted by naval crowns, with trophies on each side. The front of the base has an oval enamelled coat of arms of the City of London between cornucopiae, with the crest of the City in a small enamel panel above it on the front of the lid. At the back is an enamelled plaque with a weeping female figure emblematic of France, with French flags, within engraved trophies. Inside the lid is inscribed: 'Le Mesurier, Mayor. A Common Council holden in the Chamber of the Guildhall of the City of London on Tuesday the 27th day of May 1794 Resolved unanimously that the Freedom of this City be presented to Sir John Jervis KB in testimony of the high Esteem of the Citizens of London for his gallant Conduct and essential Service, whereby glorious and important advantages have been obtained by his Majesty's Naval Forces under his Command in the West Indies. Rix.'. In 1797 Jervis was created Earl of St Vincent as a reward for his victory over the Spanish fleet off Cape St Vincent on 14 February 1797. The original value of the box was 100 Guineas. A very similar box was made to contain the Freedom voted to Admiral Lord Howe later in the same year. 
afmetingenOverall: 35 x 103 x 72 mm   

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