Maritiem Digitaal

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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingMassive silver-gilt centrepiece presented to Admiral Edward Pellew, 1st Baron Exmouth (1757-1833), by the officers who served under him at the Bombardment of Algiers, 27 August 1816. The centrepiece is modelled as the Lighthouse fort at Algiers, strongpoint of the Algiers seaward defences. It comprises six tiers, two of which form the base, standing on four ornate scrolled feet. On the sides of the lowest section applied in relief is Lord Exmouth's coat of arms as granted after the victory with 'ALGIERS' in a scroll. The upper base has two relief views of the bombardment, and a presentation inscription and 'List of the British Forces'. The representation of the fort, with its batteries of 44 guns, comprises three sections, the lower two formed as circular towers and the upper section octagonal. This tower is surmounted by a large open lantern with a star and crescent mounted on the domed roof. At the corners of the centrepiece are pairs of modelled figures, two representing a seaman unchaining a Christian slave, and the other two a seaman overcoming an Algerine corsair. On 27 August 1816, Pellew, with thirty-five vessels, including five ships of the line and a squadron of Dutch frigates, bombarded the town for nine hours in order to secure the release of more than a thousand Christians held captive by the Dey of Algiers. The masonry of the fort was more than five feet thick. For his achievement, Pellew received the thanks of Parliament, a diamond and enamelled sword from the City of London, and was created a viscount. The presentation inscription reads: 'To the Right Honourable Edward VISCOUNT AND BARON EXMOUTH AND A BARONET, KNIGHT GRAND CROSS OF THE MOST HONOURABLE MILITARY ORDER OF THE BATH, OF THE ROYAL & DISTINGUISHED ORDER OF CHARLES THE 3RD OF SPAIN, OF THE ROYAL SICILIAN ORDER OF ST FERDINAND AND OF MERIT, KNIGHT OF THE ROYAL SARDINIAN ORDER OF ST LAZARUS & ST MAURICE AND OF THE ROYAL MILITARY ORDER OF WILLIAM OF THE NETHERLANDS, ADMIRAL OF THE BLUE &c &c &c THIS TRIBUTE OF ADMIRATION AND ESTEEM is most respectfully presented by the Rear Admiral the Captains & Commanders WHO HAD THE HONOUR TO SERVE UNDER HIM AT THE MEMORABLE VICTORY GAINED AT ALGIERS on the 27th of August 1816. Where by the judgement Valour and Decision of their distinguished Chief, AIDED BY HIS BRILLIANT EXAMPLE, THE GREAT CAUSE OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM WAS BRAVELY FOUGHT AND NOBLY ACCOMPLISHED'. 
afmetingenOverall: 927 x 698 x 698 mm   

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