Maritiem Digitaal

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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingGold box contained presented to Captain, later Admiral Sir Charles Elkins (1768-1855) after the Bombardment of Algiers, 1816. Rectangular gold box with rounded corners. The plain hinged lid is engraved 'ALGIERS' on a ribbon scroll above a star and crescent, the whole encircled by an oval laurel garland. There is a narrow thumb-piece at the front. Inside the lid is engraved: 'This box was presented to CAPTN. CHARLES EKINS by the Junior Officers of H.M. SHIP. SUPERB. As a mark of their Esteem and Admiration of his Conduct on the Glorious 27. of August 1816'. Ekins entered the navy in March 1781 and served at the Battle of the Doggerbank in August that year. He served on the Mediterranean and home stations and later in the West Indies. From 1806 to 1811 he commanded the 'Defence' 74, in which he took part in the expedition against Copenhagen in 1807. He commanded the 'Superb' 78, at the Bombardment of Algiers on 27 August, when he was wounded. He was afterwards nominated CB and a Knight of the Order of William of the Netherlands. Although he had no further service afloat, he was promoted by seniority to rear-admiral in 1819, vice-admiral in 1830 and admiral in 1841, and was made KCB in 1831 and GCB in 1852. 
afmetingenOverall: 18 x 45 x 70 mm   

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