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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingGold City of London freedom box presented to Admiral Alexander Hood, Ist Viscount Bridport (1727-1814), to commemorate his victory off the Isle de Groix, 23 June 1795. Rectangular gold box with canted corners, the lid with applied relief decoration. The central plaque on the lid depicts a three-decker warship under sail surrounded by an oak leaf wreath and scrolled inscription 'ROYAL GEORGE GLORIOUS 23 OF JUNE 1795'. The sides of the lid are engraved with a row of fouled anchors, and the lower sides of the box with floral swags. The front of the box has the Bridport coat of arms with a baron's coronet and the mottoes 'TRIA IUNCTA IN UNO' and 'STEADY.' The back has the City of London coat of arms and the motto 'DOMINE DIRIGE NOS.' The canted corners have the Hood crest with motto 'TRIA IUNCTA IN UNO'. The inside of the lid is inscribed: 'Skinner, Mayor. A COMMON COUNCIL holden in the CHAMBER of the Guildhall of the CITY OF LONDON on Thursday the 8th day of Octr 1795. Resolved unanimously that the Freedom of this City be presented to the Right Honourable Lord Bridport, Rear Admiral of England, in testimony of the grateful sense this Court entertains of the signal and important victory obtained by his Majesty's Fleet under his Lordships command over the FRENCH FLEET upon the coast of France, on the twenty third day of June last'. Hood was promoted admiral in April 1794, and was created Baron Bridport for his part in the battle of the Glorious First of June 1794. In June 1795 he gave chase to the French fleet of Admiral Villaret-Joyeuse off the French coast, and 6 or 7 miles east of the Isle de Groix, captured three French battleships before the French admiral took refuge in Lorient. 
afmetingenOverall: 40 x 105 x 71   

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