Maritiem Digitaal

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museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
omschrijvingSilver cup and cover presented to Captain John Allen of the 'Duke of Dorset', HEIC. The cup is chased and embossed with scrolls, leaves and fruit and stands on a high domed circular foot. The scroll handles are ornamented with acanthus leaves and trailing festoons of vines. On one side is a cartouche with the engraved coat of arms of the new United East India Company and the motto 'AUSPICIO REGIS ET SENATUS ANGLIAE', and another on the other side has an engraved inscription: 'THE gift of the Honourable United East India Company to Captn. John Allen of the Duke of Dorset, for his Gallant Behaviour against the Dutch in Bengal River in the Year 1759'. The domed cover is embossed with vines, fruits and flowers and is surmounted by a finial shaped as a toper holding a wine bottle and goblet with vine leaves in his hair. On 24 November 1759 Captain Wilson of the 'Calcutta' led several British East Indiamen in a successful attack on seven Dutch East Indiamen which had attempted to seize Chinsura, on the Ganges. When Bernard Forrester, Captain of the 'Duke of Dorset', was disabled in the knee by grapeshot early in the engagement, the First Mate John Allen took over command. The next March, Captain Forrester died of his wounds, following an amputation of his leg, and John Allen's promotion to command of the 'Duke of Dorset' was confirmed. The East India Company was particularly generous in rewarding its officers and men, and the crews of the 'Calcutta', 'Hardwick' and 'Duke of Dorset' received the sum of £2,000 for each ship for their part in the action. The East India Company Court minutes for 19 February 1762 record the decision 'that Capt. John Allen have likewise a gratuity to the value of Fifty Guineas (in addition to what he has received as Chief Mate) for his brave Conduct in the 'Duke of Dorset' in the above engagement on Capt. Forrester the former Commander of that ship his being disabled'. 
afmetingenOverall: 460 x 182 mm   

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