Maritiem Digitaal

collectie zoeksyteem van de maritieme musea

Operation White Christmas

titelOperation White Christmas 
museumZeeuws maritiem muZEEum   Zeeuws maritiem muZEEum
makerMessner-Patterson, Priscilla 
omschrijvingSequim, Wash Oil In December 2003, Coast Guard crews were deployed to Prince William Sound, Alaska, to protect the area surrounding the Alaska Pipeline from suspected terrorist activity. HH-65 Dolphin and MH-68 Stingray helicopters survey from overhead while a tanker is escorted by the cutters Acushnet and Hamilton. Since Sept. 11, the Coast Guard is on a heightened state of alert, protecting more than 361 ports and 95,000 miles of coastline, America's longest border. 
afmetingenhoogte 50,5 cm 
breedte 40 cm 

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