Maritiem Digitaal

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A Mapp of the World. Showing what a Clock it is (at any time) in any part of the World. And to know where the People are...

titelA Mapp of the World. Showing what a Clock it is (at any time) in any part of the World. And to know where the People are Rising, and where they are at Dinner, where at Supper, and where going to Bed all over the World. 
museumMaritiem Museum Rotterdam   Maritiem Museum Rotterdam
makerSeller, John 
omschrijvingKaart opgenomen in de uitgave A New Systeme: of Geography, Designed in a Most Plain and Easy Method, for the better Understanding of that Science. Accommodated With New Mapps, of all the Countreys, Regions, Empires, Monarchies, Kingdoms, Principalities, Dukedoms, Marquesates, Dominions, Estates, Republiques, Soveraignties, Governments, Seignories, Provinces, and Countreys in the whole World. With Geographical Tables, Explaining the Divisions in Each Mapp. / by John Seller, Hydrographer to the King.
Kaart van de wereld opgedeeld in tijdzones. Op de kaart zijn de continenten Noord-Amerika, Zuid-Amerika, Afrika, Europa, Azië en Hollandia Nova te zien. 
afmetingenhoogte 12.5 cm 
breedte 15 cm 
hoogte 14.5 cm 
breedte 19.5 cm 

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