Maritiem Digitaal

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zoekvraag: maker = Fijnje van Salverda, J.G.W. aantal treffers: 2
Memorandum relative to the inprovement of the Hwang-Ho or Yellow River by ..1 and Report of ..2 on their inspection of the Yellow River in 1889
literatuurNationaal Baggermuseum
Nationaal Baggermuseum
S.1931(11) [nr 0023] 
Memorandum relative to the improvement of the Hwang-Ho or Yellow river in North China; and Report of P.G. van Schermbeek and A. Visser on their inspection of the Yellow river and its flooded districts; translated from the Dutch by W.D. Dickinson
literatuurHet Scheepvaartmuseum
Het Scheepvaartmuseum