Maritiem Digitaal

collectie zoeksyteem van de maritieme musea

On the changes which take place in the deviations of the standard compass in the iron armour-plated, iron, and composite...

titelOn the changes which take place in the deviations of the standard compass in the iron armour-plated, iron, and composite-built ships of the royal navy, on a considerable change of magnetic latitude 
signatuur14 F 4 CRE 
inventarisnummerNII [volgnr. 03367] 
museumHet Scheepvaartmuseum   Het Scheepvaartmuseum
makerCreak, E.W. 
datum[ 1883 ]  
pagina'sp. 615-638 
annotatieOverdruk van: " Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society", part II, 1883 

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